Welcome to Sherrilyn Kenyon's UK Website
Related Categories: Hello from Sherrilyn, Sherrilyn Kenyon Posts
Sherrilyn says:
Welcome to my new cyber UK spot (now if I could only have a real house in the UK, everything would be fabulous LOL. I particularly want the tower house in the centre of the street in London, but that’s another story).
Thank you for your interest in my books. I always say it takes a team to bring any novel to life. The author who creates it, the publisher who brings it to market and the reader who hopefully cherishes it. Books are portals we share, like Alice through the Looking Glass. I open the rabbit hole and down we all fall meeting new friends and enemies every step of the way. But I couldn’t do it without the reader who’s willing to take that journey with me. And here lately, there’s been a fair number of you who accompany me each time. For that I can’t thank you enough. I don’t think readers ever fully know how much it means to an author to see something we’ve created touch another life and to hear your kind words about our labours. It touches a place deep inside our hearts and really makes our day in a way nothing else can.
Please make yourself at home and take a look around. I hope you enjoy your visit. Little, Brown Book Group has built us quite a lovely spot here and I like their booklist much better than the one on my site 🙂 I’ll have to talk to my web guy about that … However, if you want a deeper look into the characters for each series, please visit my homepage where you can learn all kinds of tidbits about them. And I definitely invite you to join one of my online communities such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or Menyon. Due to time constraints, I monitor Twitter more than the other places, but I do eventually make the rounds to all of them. And if you send an email, I do read it. I really wish I could respond to each post and email personally, but due to the sheer volume of it (I have three people who do nothing but answer fan mail) I can’t. I’m very sorry for that. But I promise you every comment is cherished and read, and someone will respond to it unless the evil spam folder gets it.
Also, on our other sites you’ll notice that we have sections for fans to post their photographs of their children and pets named after characters in my series, tattoos of characters, quotes and symbols from the books, fans reading the books and other items fans have created for the series as well as them dressing as characters for parties and such. If you would like to be included in one of the galleries, please send your picture to officialdh@gmail.com and Carl, Erin or Kim will post it immediately.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Most of all, thank you to all of you who cherish my worlds as much as I do.
Thank you for your interest in my books. I always say it takes a team to bring any novel to life. The author who creates it, the publisher who brings it to market and the reader who hopefully cherishes it. Books are portals we share, like Alice through the Looking Glass. I open the rabbit hole and down we all fall meeting new friends and enemies every step of the way. But I couldn’t do it without the reader who’s willing to take that journey with me. And here lately, there’s been a fair number of you who accompany me each time. For that I can’t thank you enough. I don’t think readers ever fully know how much it means to an author to see something we’ve created touch another life and to hear your kind words about our labours. It touches a place deep inside our hearts and really makes our day in a way nothing else can.
Please make yourself at home and take a look around. I hope you enjoy your visit. Little, Brown Book Group has built us quite a lovely spot here and I like their booklist much better than the one on my site 🙂 I’ll have to talk to my web guy about that … However, if you want a deeper look into the characters for each series, please visit my homepage where you can learn all kinds of tidbits about them. And I definitely invite you to join one of my online communities such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or Menyon. Due to time constraints, I monitor Twitter more than the other places, but I do eventually make the rounds to all of them. And if you send an email, I do read it. I really wish I could respond to each post and email personally, but due to the sheer volume of it (I have three people who do nothing but answer fan mail) I can’t. I’m very sorry for that. But I promise you every comment is cherished and read, and someone will respond to it unless the evil spam folder gets it.
Also, on our other sites you’ll notice that we have sections for fans to post their photographs of their children and pets named after characters in my series, tattoos of characters, quotes and symbols from the books, fans reading the books and other items fans have created for the series as well as them dressing as characters for parties and such. If you would like to be included in one of the galleries, please send your picture to officialdh@gmail.com and Carl, Erin or Kim will post it immediately.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Most of all, thank you to all of you who cherish my worlds as much as I do.

Please note: This website is maintained on Sherrilyn’s behalf by her UK publisher, Piatkus (part of the Little, Brown Book Group) and will be updated with official press releases, news and information about Sherrilyn’s books in the UK.
Visit Sherrilyn’s main website at www.sherrilynkenyon.com for more information on her books and for links to Sherrilyn’s other official websites and fansites.